Blackdown Common, Culmstock, Cullompton, Devon

Blackdown Common is in the north west corner of the Blackdown Hills AONB in Devon; this vast open space is a mix of habitat rich in flora and fauna with spectacular views that stretch out for miles across the landscape. There is broadleaved and coniferous woodland, lowland heath, spring mire and marshy grassland which means several species can be spotted at different times of the year; not surprising is the fact that this is a designated SSSI with heath spotted orchid, heath milkwort, devil’s bit scabious, round leaved sundew and even bilberries growing here.

It's a lovely spot for a walk, one of those wild places where it’s easy to connect with nature and be in the moment; listen carefully and at certain times of the year you’ll hear the warbling and call of songbirds that nest here – it’s a known site for breeding stonechat. If you’re very, very quiet you might be lucky enough to spot deer and hare; common lizards bask in the sun, wild ponies drink at the waters.

The many footpaths and trails make Blackdown Common a locally popular spot for walking, cycling and horse riding, though it’s never busy because ‘local’ here means just a scattering of hamlets and villages. One of the best walks is across the common to Culm Beacon, one of the highest points in the Blackdown Hills with panoramic views across the Devon and Somerset countryside. The best time to come is late summer when the heaths are covered with glorious purple-pink heather, quite a feast for the eyes.

All information correct at the time of writing

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